
Bad Taste

I have a not so secret love of bad movies and cheesy pop. So while I watch Stomp the Yard for the second time. Yes. Second. Here's a little ditty from 5 choreographed kids. Oh, memories of having a crush on a boy I never talked to. Not much has changed. Enjoy!


Wine Before Beer Before Liquor Then More Beer And More Liquor Never Been Sicker

We all want to wake up to the pink gelatinous mistake of our binge drinking carefully laid out upon our bathroom floor. I know. I am living the good life.

As I laid there... mostly because thats as close to standing as I could get, I thought about how classy life had become since graduating college: Living at home with a Blockbuster account. My bachelor degree comes in handy every time I pop a DVD into my computer. Even with all that, I do sometimes find the time to sew together little camera cases. I wanted a picture with the camera in it, but that requires a little magic... Or another camera. Either way, too hard.

Maybe craft time will get me employed.
Until then, my stomach hates me right now.