

I went for the saddest attempt at a run today when the weather was a delightful 9,000 degrees with 300% humidity. And for kicks, middle school was just let out so I had to avoid little 12 year olds walking home, because pushing them down and laughing at them cry isn't acceptable anymore.

I was out a total of one hour: I ran for about 15 minutes. I walked another 40 minutes foolishly assuming that my lungs and what I'm going to guess was my pancreas would stop producing stabbing pains. And, finally for the other 5 minutes I laid on a shady patch of grass near misty lake. Successful, indeed.

However, this isn't my point... because I so often have one with these posts.
Since I went out at a different time, I went a different way to avoid the middle school kids and went by places, that although I have walked to before... I saw it with new purpose. Don't get me wrong, it wasn't an enlightenment of brilliance here... I thought that the benches by this one lake would be a great place to come at night and smoke. Although, I don't smoke... but suburban boredom makes me want to do things like sit in a park at night smoking. Possibly throwing rocks could be useful too.

AND again, not the point... actually, I think I have forgotten my point.

Well, it had something to do with doing things differently and appreciating the new. Even, if I might've passed out from dehydration. Or maybe it was, something new in an old place? Whatever. I'm going out again to actually run now.

*Moronism: The state or condition of being a moron (MORON n.2 2); stupidity, ignorance, imbecility; (also) an instance of this.


Impatience Is A Virtue

The beauty of a marathon is that you don't have to wait a week to find out what happens next. Although, usually shows that they rerun in marathon form aren't my favorites... but that doesn't stop me from watching them. Of course.

However, when a show I do kind of want to see is on let's just say... be still my impatient heart.

And to sum up this clearly highly active fun filled day, I just ate a cookie whose packaging has an asterik of information stating "excessive consumption may have a laxative effect."

Hmm, tempting.


What Have I Done?

I went to New York last week for the entire week. It was a lovely grand ol' time. I think I have more friends there than here. I came back Monday, September 18th 2007.

As of today, I have a one-way ticket back to New York on Friday, September 28th 2007.

I have yet to determine whether this is bold and adventurous or a stupid and horrifying mistake.



Take Note.

from me. to you:
you suck at this.

albeit, they'll never know how i truly feel-- because they either,
a. won't read this.
b. won't know its them.

and secret option
c. i win the lottery and have millions to spend on travel.


I Live In A Laundry Landfill

To keep your inquiring minds at ease... no, I haven't completed my meagre task of washing my clothes... yet. I found going out and sleeping late very fulfilling.

Last night, I was at a bar and a stranger asked me some questions while I waited to close my tab. My life as of now summed up in a one minute encounter. Here is how it went:

Do you go to school here? no. Work? no. What is it that you do? nothing. Nothing? nothing. Want to hang out? no.

[end scene]

And now, laundry day shall commence. I think.


Gross Negligence

I'm going to NYC soon for any and all attempts to not live in Texas anymore, instead of planning my time wisely I decided to play with the HTML layout of this page. I prepare for life with the best.

Since apparently, the hobo look is très passé. My goal for the next four days is to do laundry at some point in that time. I set goals with reasonable expectations. I wouldn't want to over exert myself. For I would be rendered useless for days on... actually, I suppose thats no different than now.

I should probably also print out a portfolio and a résumé and maybe some supplemental pieces... wow, I should get on that.

BUT first things first, I am going to watch a movie.


You Evil Fiend!

Freshmen year of college, I noticed flashes of light in my peripheral vision-- but it was at times where there was no way a flash of light could be seen. Like at night, in the dark, with my eyes closed. Logically, I concluded I had a detached retina. This, of course was based on information gathered through random internet searches. Despite the severity of my conclusion, I never did anything to prove or disprove this idea... until I happened to have an eye appointment. Since I was there anyways, I asked about it. Turns out, I just was eating poorly. It went away, when my meals didn't consist of cakes, waffles and cookies. Who knew all that would be bad for you? And that it could get worse...

MY HEALTH (2007)
starring the charasmatic asthmatic tendencies and loveable lactose-intolerance! This whirl-winded roller coaster of a thriller has a fresh faced star to watch-- diabetes! Its going to be amazing!

I don't have it yet, but bordering on borderline is still bad enough. Phooey, I just want a cookie.


Mark. Get Set. Go.


see how far you ran, walked, biked. With adding how long it took you, your height and weight you can also see your average pace and how many calories you burned.

my new favorite tool.