
I Do... But I Get to Pick

A long time ago, when my sister lived at home and I did too, there came a conversation of marriage. Not any kind of marriage, but an arranged marriage. We both said no. Flat out, unequivocally N-O. Of course, my parents were so confused as to why we would be so against such a brilliant idea. Hey! Lets get the entire family to go out and pick some guy that went to college and could support a family. Interests, personality, and sanity not required. Marriage to happen in one week. Pardon the vomit.

As an example why she was against arranged marriages, my sister pointed to none other than my dysfunctionally matched parents. And to our surprise, my mother was shocked. SHOCKED?? I was about 3 and I knew that their marriage was a bad idea. My sister asked me who I'd live with if they got a divorce... however, Indians don't divorce. They live miserably together forever. I say once again, BRILLIANT.

I bring this little tidbit up, because not just 5 minutes ago my mother tried to convince me that I should tell my dad to do something. Why me? Her response was, and I quote: "No man listens to their wives..." There was more, but that was what stopped me. She said its proven. It was that concession to being second rate and inferior that astounded me. How could this be OK? For anyone, in a marriage and in life?


p.s. I know that not all arranged marriages are bad, I mean who wouldn't want to have your husband pick you out like a criminal in a line up? Some matches work. However, I have yet to see one that is convincing enough... hence the contempt.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You know, i've been honing my cooking and cleaning skills, so maybe i'm ready to give it a go. and really, why do you have to be so negative? think of it not so much as a criminal line up and rather as a beauty pagent with a life sentence prize!