

I went for the saddest attempt at a run today when the weather was a delightful 9,000 degrees with 300% humidity. And for kicks, middle school was just let out so I had to avoid little 12 year olds walking home, because pushing them down and laughing at them cry isn't acceptable anymore.

I was out a total of one hour: I ran for about 15 minutes. I walked another 40 minutes foolishly assuming that my lungs and what I'm going to guess was my pancreas would stop producing stabbing pains. And, finally for the other 5 minutes I laid on a shady patch of grass near misty lake. Successful, indeed.

However, this isn't my point... because I so often have one with these posts.
Since I went out at a different time, I went a different way to avoid the middle school kids and went by places, that although I have walked to before... I saw it with new purpose. Don't get me wrong, it wasn't an enlightenment of brilliance here... I thought that the benches by this one lake would be a great place to come at night and smoke. Although, I don't smoke... but suburban boredom makes me want to do things like sit in a park at night smoking. Possibly throwing rocks could be useful too.

AND again, not the point... actually, I think I have forgotten my point.

Well, it had something to do with doing things differently and appreciating the new. Even, if I might've passed out from dehydration. Or maybe it was, something new in an old place? Whatever. I'm going out again to actually run now.

*Moronism: The state or condition of being a moron (MORON n.2 2); stupidity, ignorance, imbecility; (also) an instance of this.

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